Bachelor in Computer Applications (BCA), Utkal University
Effective from 2016-17 Academic Session
Java: Use of Objects, Array and ArrayList class
JavaScript: Data types, operators, functions, control structures, events and event handling.
JDBC: JDBC Fundamentals, Establishing Connectivity and working with connection interface, Working with statements, Creating and Executing SQL Statements, Working with Result Set Objects.
JSP: Introduction to Java Server Pages, HTTP and Servlet Basics, The Problem with Servlets, The Anatomy of a JSP Page, JSP Processing, JSP Application Design with MVC, Setting Up the JSP Environment, Implicit JSP Objects, Conditional Processing, Displaying Values, Using an expression to Set an Attribute, Declaring Variables and Methods, Error Handling and Debugging, Sharing Data Between JSP Pages, Requests, and Users, Database Access.
Java Beans: Java Beans Fundamentals, JAR files, Introspection, Developing a simple Bean, Connecting to DB
Recommended Books:
1. Ivan Bayross, Web Enabled Commercial Application Development Using HTML,
DHTML, Javascript, Perl CGI , BPB Publications, 2009.
2. Cay Horstmann, BIG Java, Wiley Publication , 3/e, 2009
3. Herbert Schildt , Java 7, The Complete Reference, , 8/e, 2009.
4. Jim Keogh ,The Complete Reference J2EE, TMH, , 2002
Multimedia: Introduction to multimedia, components, uses of multimedia, multimedia applications, virtual reality. Text: Fonts & Faces, Using Text in Multimedia, Font Editing & Design Tools, Hypermedia & Hypertext.
Images: Still Images – bitmaps, vector drawing, 3D drawing & rendering, natural light & colors, computerized colors, color palettes, image file formats. Sound: Digital Audio, MIDI Audio, MIDI vs Digital Audio, Audio File Formats.
Video: How video works, analog video, digital video, video file formats, video shooting and editing. Animation: Principle of animations, animation techniques, animation file formats.
Internet and Multimedia: www and HTML, multimedia on the web – web servers, web browsers, web page makers and site builders.
Making Multimedia: Stages of a multimedia project, Requirements to make good multimedia, Multimedia Hardware - Macintosh and Windows production Platforms, Hardware peripherals - Connections, Memory and storage devices, Multimedia software and Authoring tools.
1. Tay Vaughan, ―Multimedia: Making it work‖, TMH, Eighth edition.
2. Ralf Steinmetz and Klara Naharsted, ―Multimedia: Computing, Communications Applications‖, Pearson.
3. Keyes, ―Multimedia Handbook‖, TMH.
4. K. Andleigh and K. Thakkar, ―Multimedia System Design‖, PHI.s
An introduction to Electronic commerce: What is E-Commerce (Introduction And Definition), Main activities E-Commerce, Goals of E-Commerce, Technical Components of E-Commerce, Functions of E-Commerce, Advantages and disadvantages of E- Commerce, Scope of E-Commerce, Electronic Commerce Applications, 9 Electronic Commerce and Electronic Business(C2C)(C2G,G2G, B2G, B2P, B2A, P2P, B2A, C2A, B2B, B2C).
The Internet and WWW: Evolution of Internet, Domain Names and Internet Organization(.edu,.com, .mil, .gov, .net etc.) , Types of Network, Internet Service Provider, World Wide Web, Internet & Extranet, Role of Internet in B2B Application, building own website, Cost, Time, Reach, Registering a Domain Name, Web promotion, Target email, Baner, Exchange, Shopping Bots.
Internet Security: Secure Transaction, Computer Monitoring, Privacy on Internet, Corporate Email privacy, Computer Crime( Laws , Types of Crimes), Threats, Attack on Computer System, Software Packages for privacy, Hacking, Computer Virus( How it spreads, Virus problem, virus protection, Encryption and Decryption, Secret key Cryptography, DES, Public Key Encryption, RSA, Authorisation and Authentication, Firewall, Digital Signature( How it Works).
Electronic Data Exchange: Introduction, Concepts of EDI and Limitation, Applications of EDI, Disadvantages of EDI, EDI model,Electronic Payment System: Introduction, Types of Electronic Payment System, Payment Types, Value Exchange System, Credit Card System, Electronic Fund Transfer, Paperless bill, Modern Payment Cash, Electronic Cash.
Planning for Electronic Commerce: Planning Electronic Commerce initiates, Linking objectives to business strategies, Measuring cost objectives, Comparing benefits to Costs, Strategies for developing electronic commerce web sites.
1. E-Commerce Concepts, Models, Strategies:- G.S.V.Murthy Himalaya Publishing House
2. E- Commerce:- Kamlesh K Bajaj and Debjani Nag
3. Electronic commerce:- Gray P. Schneider
4. E-Commerce, Fundamentals & Applications: Chand (Wiley) Web and E-Commerce
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